Four Mounds Ropes Course FAQs

Question: What size of group do I need to participate on the Four Mounds Ropes Course?
Answer: Nine to twelve people per instructor is recommended for the low ropes course. Three to twelve per instructor is recommended for the high ropes course.

Question: How long should we plan for our group's ropes course experience?
Answer: We will assist you in determining the ideal time for your group based on your goals, group size, and mix of activities, e.g. low course only or a combination of the low and high ropes course. We have enough activities/elements on the course that your group could easily spend three days. The average for most groups, however, is four to seven hours.

Question: What about age and physical ability? Do I have to be young and physically fit to participate on the ropes course?
Answer: For over 14 years, we have been working with groups whose ages range from 6 to 76 years young. We design each program in line with the age, skill level, physical ability, and goals of each group member. For example, the program for a sports team is designed to be more physically challenging than what a group of fifty-five year old managers may experience. Most groups discover that they are capable of participating at a much greater level than they anticipated or give themselves credit for, but at no time is there ever any pressure put on anyone to attempt an activity that they are emotionally or physically not comfortable participating in.

Question: Is there still a way for me to be a part of the team if I opt not to be as actively involved in an activity as my teammates?
Answer: Absolutely. "Challenge by Choice" is the philosophy that everyone in the group agrees to abide by while on the course. This means that if you are physically or emotionally uncomfortable with attempting or being fully involved in an activity, your teammates will support and encourage your level of participation for that particular activity.

Question: What about safety?
Answer: Safety is the number one priority with everything that we do on the course. We sport an outstanding safety record that is second to none in the industry. All construction, design, and facilitation are conducted according to ACCT (Association of Challenge Course Technology) standards. Every instructor is trained and certified in the latest technical and facilitation skills to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for your group.

Question: What distinguishes what you do on your ropes course from the others out there?
Answer: Employee development. Our mission is to be the best training and employee development organization in the business. Thus all of our energies and resources are directed towards this end. We employ the best and brightest instructors who know how to make the transition from the field to the workplace.

Question: What about rates? How do you charge for the ropes course?
Answer: We charge by the size of your group and the length of time that your group is on the course. We offer a discounted rate for families and non profit organizations.

Question: Is the course open year-round?
Answer: Yes, pending the current weather!

On-Site Training and Consulting Services FAQs

Question: Do you offer workshops for groups besides the corporate market?
Answer: Although our primary focus is employee development, we also offer workshops on many of the same topics for colleges, universities, and church leadership teams.

Question: What type of meeting space do we need for these on-site training workshops?
Answer: Due to the interactive and hands-on nature of these workshops, a large open space that allows the participants to get up and move around is the preferred setting. Many organizations will have such a space on-site that they use for training or meetings. However, we have found there to be great value in taking your employees away from their familiar and predictable surroundings to an environment that supports uninterrupted and focused learning.

Question: Is there an optimum size group for these workshops?
Answer: We have conducted workshops for as few as ten and as many as two hundred. To assure that participants stay actively engaged, group sizes of 30 or less are recommended. By keeping group sizes smaller, you eliminate the potential for individuals to become anonymous observers rather than active team members working together towards a common goal.

Question: Do you offer any employee testing and assessment services?
Answer: The MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator), COLOR's, and DISC profile are the most requested employee testing services that we provide. In addition, we are experts in assessing your company culture as it relates to your corporate mission, vision, and values.

Retreats FAQs

Question: What other activities are there in and around Dubuque for our group to enjoy?
Answer: The National Mississippi River Museum, The Grand Harbor Resort and Waterpark, Dubuque Greyhound Park and Casino, Festivals, Riverboat sight seeing cruises, horseback riding, hot air balloon rides, Dubuque Thunderbirds hockey, downhill and cross country skiing, Field of Dreams.

Question: If our group chooses an off-site location, such as the Dubuque Grand River Center's Convention Center, to host our retreat, can you still coordinate our team's activities in addition to their training?
Answer: Most definitely. As a full service retreat planner, we will gladly provide the level of planning and coordination necessary to assure the success and enjoyment of your group's trip to Dubuque. No detail is too small or too large.

Question: Our company hosts an annual golf outing and steak fry as a morale booster for our employees. Most of our employees seem to enjoy this activity, but the enthusiasm seems to disappear after only a few weeks. Is there a way to incorporate the team and morale-building features of the ropes course into a lasting and meaningful experience for our employees?
Answer: Managers have discovered that the return on investment of golf outings, steak frys, and company picnics pales when compared to the results that their employees display after a day at Four Mounds. In addition to the ropes course, volleyball, croquet, orienteering, and hiking are also available.